Sunday, May 31, 2020

May 31, 2020: Pentecost Sunday

Jesus had promised, and on this day, the Holy Spirit descended upon the gathered church in the noise like wind and in tongues as of fire.

The Holy Spirit was the breath of God that made them alive, uniting them as one, and giving them the ability to speak the language of faith that could be understood by all people from throughout the world.  And as Jesus pronounced in the Gospel, the Holy Spirit makes forgiveness of sins possible, because it is the sign of New Life we have in Christ, Who died and rose again.

The Holy Spirit continues this work in us:  He brings the life of the Risen and Ascended Christ into our hearts, so we can proclaim the reality of God, each in unique ways, through our lives.  We proclaim the message of reconciliation, made possible by the Paschal Mystery, which now takes up residence inside of us.  It is a message that this world greatly needs in difficulties as we face now.

So we go forth, with this proclamation as our mission, doing so as One Church, bound together by the Holy Spirit.

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