Sunday, May 17, 2020

May 17, 2020: Sixth Sunday of Easter

As Jesus prepares for His departure, He speaks at the Last Supper about the Holy Spirit.

Even though He's leaving, the Apostles will see Him again, because He will send another Advocate, the Holy Spirit, to be His presence continuing with them.

And the Holy Spirit will allow His disciples to know the Father and share in the special relationship that the Father and Son have.

As the reading in the Acts of the Apostles describes, the Holy Spirit comes upon people in great power, as those Apostles bestow it upon the Samaritans through the laying on of hands, as they do others as the church expands to be universal in scope.  The Bishops continue to call down the Holy Spirit in the sacraments.

Surely the Holy Spirit is part of the reason we can give for the hope we have, because we know God remains with us so powerfully, helping us through all difficulties, aware that God is at work with His redemptive power.

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