Sunday, July 26, 2020

July 26, 2020: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

When we truly encounter the Living God, we realize the faith that brings us into a relationship with Him is truly a great treasure, worth devoting all our lives to, as the man who buys the field with the treasure, or the merchant who finds the one pearl of great price.

We strive to live in the righteous God imparts to us, to be counted among those who enter the Kingdom at the end of time, because we know that He is actively working to conform us to the image of His Son, so that we may share in His Glory, we who He predestined and called.

We follow the example of King Solomon, who didn't seek something just for Himself, but the wisdom that allows us to live rightly, especially in serving others, seeking what is truly most valuable in life.  We seek the wisdom and the words of God that lead to abundant Life.

Then we do as the words speak, putting faith into action, which leads us toward realizing the fullness of God, the greatest treasure.

I recall 15 years ago, as I was preparing for Confirmation, I attended a summer meeting and we reflected on today's Gospel reading.  My Confirmation was definitely an important experience in my life when I came to value faith as the great treasure, worthy of all my devotion, driving me to seek after those words of God by which I would attain to the fullness of Life.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

July 19, 2020: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God created the world good, but as the parable makes clear that Jesus tells in today's Gospel passage, the Evil One has schemed to infest our world.

Yet God is still in control.  Though we are marred by sin, He provides a way for us to be redeemed, and then transforms our lives so we have the capability of kindness, which is part of reversing the curse of sin and advancing His Kingdom.

Indeed, His Spirit is at work even now in those He has chosen, uttering prayers we can't understand as He guides us to experience the fullness of redemption and transformation.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

July 12, 2020: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By His might, God sends His Word down upon the earth and it does its work, regardless of how we respond.

He sows generously, just as the sower spread the seed far and wide in all sorts of soil.

When we cooperate with His Word, it can become even more abundant.

We strive to overcome the limitations of this world, as we await with all creation for the fullness of redemption.  Certainly we are all awaiting the end of this abnormal situation of the pandemic, that all the world may be redeemed.

Yet we have signs now of God's redemption at work as God's Word is transforming us.

With such marvelous work happening among us, let's open ourselves to being transformed by the Word, being good soil for the seed, and be part of the work of bringing that transformation to all the world.

Monday, July 6, 2020

July 5, 2020: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Our God comes to us, not as a conquering king, but as a gentle, humble servant.

He is transforming everything about our lives.  We are no longer burdened by laws we cannot keep, as were the common Jews in Jesus's day.

He has freed us from sin, and now, as we grow in relationship with Him, we walk beside each other as He shares our burdens.  He directs our course as we follow His way, the ways of the Spirit, so that we can live an abundant life in step with Him.