Sunday, July 12, 2020

July 12, 2020: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By His might, God sends His Word down upon the earth and it does its work, regardless of how we respond.

He sows generously, just as the sower spread the seed far and wide in all sorts of soil.

When we cooperate with His Word, it can become even more abundant.

We strive to overcome the limitations of this world, as we await with all creation for the fullness of redemption.  Certainly we are all awaiting the end of this abnormal situation of the pandemic, that all the world may be redeemed.

Yet we have signs now of God's redemption at work as God's Word is transforming us.

With such marvelous work happening among us, let's open ourselves to being transformed by the Word, being good soil for the seed, and be part of the work of bringing that transformation to all the world.

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