Sunday, August 2, 2020

August 2, 2020: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God knows that we are in great need, a comforting reality even in this abnormal time.

And God meets our needs, not in the bare minimum, but in great abundance.

Although Jesus needed to get away, when the crowds appeared, He still ministered to them out of compassion, and then fed them so much there was lots leftover.

He has such great love for us in working to meet the needs of our whole person, even beyond physical needs like hunger.

So we can declare with the Psalmist that the hand of the Lord truly feeds us and answers all our needs.

Furthermore, despite all the harsh realities that might come against us, we can acclaim boldly with St. Paul, nothing can separate us from the Love of God in Christ Jesus, Who has demonstrated it to be so powerful.

It is so powerful that it draws us in, and, just like the disciples, we can offer up what we have and God will multiply it abundantly so we can feed others, meeting their needs.

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