Sunday, February 14, 2021

February 14, 2021: 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Our world is broken by sin, illness, and death, as starkly demonstrated in the first reading.

Those who have some kind of blemish on the skin, a sign of leprosy or other infectious skin diseases, were declared unclean and had to live away from everyone else, something that speaks to the nature of this current pandemic.

And so that's why the Good News of Jesus Christ is so great:  He brings the healing touch of God to a leprous person who was cast out of society, and immediately restored him to wholeness, which God intends for all His beloved Whom He creates.

On a day when we celebrate love, we see God demonstrating His love so powerfully in healing.

Jesus is able to overcome barriers that exist because of sin and illness to bring that healing touch.

It's so powerful that people continue to flock to Him, even when He goes to isolated places.

And the power of His healing touch continues as we bear this Good News to others, reaching out past barriers to help restore people to Who God created them to be.

Indeed, that is how we do as St. Paul directs the Corinthians in the 2nd reading, to imitate Christ.  We can bring a healing touch, to restore others to a sense of belonging in the face of whatever might cause them to be isolated.  We can truly bond together as we pour out the love God had shown as, that God be glorified.

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