Sunday, February 28, 2021

February 28, 2021: Second Sunday of Lent

Jesus granted a glimpse of the glory that is to come after Jesus's Passion when He was transfigured.

We see that Jesus is truly Man and truly God.

We know that He has great power, and He offers Himself in obedience to fulfill God's plan for our salvation.

As we come down from the mountaintop, we are called to truly live in obedience to Him, in obedience that comes by faith.

When we demonstrate obedient faith, God blesses us with the opportunity to participate in His work in the world, as He did with Abraham.

Despite his flaws, Abraham demonstrated the faith that pleases God, and so God granted that he would have many descendants who would be a blessing to the world.

We go forth confidently in faith to take up our part in His plan, confident in His love, and the reality that St. Paul writes about, that nothing can separate us from God's love.  And He intercedes for us in Heaven, fully in His glory.

So let us follow the voice and listen to God's Son Who is so great a savior for us, opening up ourselves to the many ways His glorious Presence is known to us, and how we can be transformed by it.

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