Tuesday, June 29, 2021

June 29, 2021: Feast of Saints Peter and Paul

We celebrate two great pillars of our Church today, Saints Peter and Paul, who helped build up the Church significantly in its earliest years.

They are pillars because they proclaimed the Gospel message based on the revelations to them from the Heavenly Father, through Christ.

So they grounded themselves in such a strong foundation, which supported them in the face of great opposition and gave them boldness in proclaiming the Gospel given to them.

And so the Gospel continues to be handed on, to us, and then we hand it on to others, keeping ourselves grounded in the foundation of Christ, as we answer the call to boldly proclaim the Gospel. And so we participate in the work of advancing the Kingdom, because God has given us a part in this great work, guided by the authority handed on to the apostles and their successors to uphold Christ's teachings, those keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.

It's fitting for me to conclude June with such a great feast, for earlier this month, on June 8, I marked the anniversary of my middle school graduation.  Those years were a time when I came to deeply appreciate my faith, and the call to boldly proclaim and live the Gospel by which I receive faith as a gift.

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