Sunday, July 25, 2021

July 25, 2021: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God demonstrates His amazing power in taking from us what might be considered meager, and turning it into great abundance, which happens in the story of Elisha regarding the 20 barley loaves, and when Jesus feeds 5000+ people.

We don't know how it happens, nor can we take credit for it, but we behold that God provides for us abundantly, ultimately in offering Jesus to us as a sacrifice that brings us from death to life, nourishing us beyond our bodies to our very souls.  He is an offering that is beyond measure that can completely satisfy us.

May we constantly return to the source and summit of our faith in the Eucharist, where we acknowledge God's great gift of Himself to feed us, which we shall ponder more in the coming weeks in the Bread of Life discourse.

Let's see beyond the signs to see the God Who provides for us, and live in a way worthy of this God Who blesses us in great abundance, living united as one people in one calling to one faith to the many whom God has redeemed with Himself.  All along, we entrust ourselves to God, not fully understanding how He provides, yet acknowledging by faith that He does, and living in the Love that is the essence of this offering.

We rejoice in the ways God has made such deep love known, especially in the love we share with our grandparents, whom we recognize this day in accordance with a new celebration Pope Francis has established.  God's love is so great, it keeps being experienced from one generation to each succeeding generation.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

July 22, 2021: Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

Jesus Christ did an amazing work in the life of St. Mary Magdalene, driving out multiple demons from her.

She devoted her life to Christ.  And then she assumed an important role as Apostle to the Apostles on that blessed morning of the Resurrection when Christ appeared to her and then she went to announce this Good and Great News to the Apostles.

So God, by coming into our world as Christ, has cast our our sin and demons, transforming us with a mission to encounter His living presence and announce to the world that He is alive, for He is alive in us.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

July 18, 2021: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

When the disciples return from their missionary work, Jesus invites them to rest.  It sounds like they need it, because the throngs of people coming leave them unable to even eat.

Yet when they reach the other side of the Sea of Galilee, the people were already there, drawn to be with Jesus.  He's moved with compassion for them, and began to teach them.

The Good Shepherd is a common and rich image of Jesus Christ.  It hearkens to how the Kings of Israel and Judah were called to shepherd the people, but didn't live up to their call.  So God decided to take charge and shepherd His people.

Ultimately, He brought them to the abundant Life He desires for His people by sending Jesus as the Good Shepherd.  He lay down His life to restore us to right relationship with God, and bring all peoples together, Jew and Gentile.

In Him, we find rest in God, because He has provided rest to our souls through salvation.  And then we join with Christ in the work of making that Good News known.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

July 11, 2021: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

No matter our circumstances in life, God calls us to be people proclaiming His message.

Case in point: God called Amos, a person engaged in agricultural pursuits, to be a prophet, speaking a message to the people of Israel they didn't want to hear.

Centuries later, Jesus called fishermen and men from other trades to be His Apostles.  They followed Him many places, and, as described in the Gospel reading, He sent them forth in His power to heal and proclaim repentance.  Even in the face of opposition, they could find consolation in the reality that He had equipped them with all they needed and authority to heal.

All of this work is part of the great plan of God that St. Paul describes in the 2nd reading:  God makes known the mystery of Who He is, as He redeems us, and then seals us with the Holy Spirit.  We can be assured of the promise that He will one day bring His Kingdom in its fullness, which we experience even now, especially as we answer the call to do His work, because of the Holy Spirit Who abides with us and works to complete our salvation.

With great joy this weekend, I celebrate the first anniversary of Father Kevin's ordination, which was on July 10, 2020.  His life is a great example of answering God's call.  He's a priest now at St. Raphael in Oshkosh, and during his journey, he assisted at Ascension Parish during his seminary days.  It's marvelous to think of the journey he's had, and how we, at Ascension, could be part of it.

Indeed, in our own way, we are part of advancing the Kingdom of God on Earth as we live out the message we are called to proclaim.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

July 4, 2021: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

When God speaks a message, those who hear it are compelled to respond, and no longer remain neutral.

Jesus comes to visit His hometown, and the people there are astonished at the amazing things He teaches in the synagogue, to the point that they can't believe someone from among could have attained such greatness.  In their hardness of heart, they take offense at Him.

This story is like a microcosm of how Jesus comes to the people of Israel, who ultimately reject Him, because He is not in line with the Messiah they expected, and prophesies in ways they can't stand.

Yet surely Jesus went to His hometown in the same spirit as when God sent the prophet Ezekiel, who went fully aware the people were hard of heart, as God had told Him.  Even when they reject the messenger, they have to acknowledge that a prophet has been among them.

When we go forth in the power of God to answer the call to proclaim His message by our lives, even when we face opposition from the obstinate, we go forth with the consolation that His grace is sufficient, as St. Paul learned in facing his affliction.  In our weaknesses and struggles, He will truly manifest His power.

On a day when we celebrate the heritage of freedom in the United States, we, as people of faith, acknowledge God has set us free so we may live with the great purpose He grants us.