Sunday, July 25, 2021

July 25, 2021: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God demonstrates His amazing power in taking from us what might be considered meager, and turning it into great abundance, which happens in the story of Elisha regarding the 20 barley loaves, and when Jesus feeds 5000+ people.

We don't know how it happens, nor can we take credit for it, but we behold that God provides for us abundantly, ultimately in offering Jesus to us as a sacrifice that brings us from death to life, nourishing us beyond our bodies to our very souls.  He is an offering that is beyond measure that can completely satisfy us.

May we constantly return to the source and summit of our faith in the Eucharist, where we acknowledge God's great gift of Himself to feed us, which we shall ponder more in the coming weeks in the Bread of Life discourse.

Let's see beyond the signs to see the God Who provides for us, and live in a way worthy of this God Who blesses us in great abundance, living united as one people in one calling to one faith to the many whom God has redeemed with Himself.  All along, we entrust ourselves to God, not fully understanding how He provides, yet acknowledging by faith that He does, and living in the Love that is the essence of this offering.

We rejoice in the ways God has made such deep love known, especially in the love we share with our grandparents, whom we recognize this day in accordance with a new celebration Pope Francis has established.  God's love is so great, it keeps being experienced from one generation to each succeeding generation.

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