Sunday, July 11, 2021

July 11, 2021: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

No matter our circumstances in life, God calls us to be people proclaiming His message.

Case in point: God called Amos, a person engaged in agricultural pursuits, to be a prophet, speaking a message to the people of Israel they didn't want to hear.

Centuries later, Jesus called fishermen and men from other trades to be His Apostles.  They followed Him many places, and, as described in the Gospel reading, He sent them forth in His power to heal and proclaim repentance.  Even in the face of opposition, they could find consolation in the reality that He had equipped them with all they needed and authority to heal.

All of this work is part of the great plan of God that St. Paul describes in the 2nd reading:  God makes known the mystery of Who He is, as He redeems us, and then seals us with the Holy Spirit.  We can be assured of the promise that He will one day bring His Kingdom in its fullness, which we experience even now, especially as we answer the call to do His work, because of the Holy Spirit Who abides with us and works to complete our salvation.

With great joy this weekend, I celebrate the first anniversary of Father Kevin's ordination, which was on July 10, 2020.  His life is a great example of answering God's call.  He's a priest now at St. Raphael in Oshkosh, and during his journey, he assisted at Ascension Parish during his seminary days.  It's marvelous to think of the journey he's had, and how we, at Ascension, could be part of it.

Indeed, in our own way, we are part of advancing the Kingdom of God on Earth as we live out the message we are called to proclaim.

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