Sunday, August 15, 2021

August 15, 2021: Assumption of Mary

The Paschal Mystery is not something that happened to Jesus that we view from the sidelines: It is something in which we participate.

Mary, as the first disciple, demonstrates how.  She believed in the Word of God and committed herself to it, and so became the Mother of God, giving birth to Christ.

By following the way of faith in her life, she reached the fullness of the Resurrection at the end of her life:  Assumed into Heaven, she followed after Christ, Who died and rose from death, and victoriously conquered the power of sin and death, which sought to oppose God's plan for the world.

So we, too, live in this hope, awaiting the experience of the fullness of Resurrection, and rejoicing that Mary has made it after striving through this life, along with all the saints.  We walk in the same path they did, finding the courage to face the struggles of this life from Mary who overcame in the midst of challenges herself, and so we live with purpose.

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