Friday, August 6, 2021

August 6, 2021: Feast of the Transfiguration

The prophet Daniel has a great vision of glorious figures.

Then, Sts. Peter, James, and John accompany Jesus up a high mountain, and they see a vision of Jesus in His Glory.

They truly see Him as God, the One Who came to Earth so that we could share in that glory.

St. Peter declares in the 2nd reading that this truly happened. God is real, and has made HImself known to us.

Let us be transfigured like Jesus Christ, as we listen to Him, the Beloved and Chosen One, so that we become more like Him and reflect His presence in our world.

On our way to the glory of Heaven, may we recognize that Glory now, because Jesus Christ, very God and very Man, has come to be among us.  Let us be a blessing as we make Him known.

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