Sunday, September 19, 2021

September 19, 2021: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Just as in the Gospel reading for last weekend, Jesus once again predicts His passion, and this time, the Apostles offer no response.

Jesus then uses this second prediction of His Passion to teach about what discipleship means:  It is not about seeking to be first, but having the humility to serve others.

It's about trusting God, when the world seems against us, like in the language from the reading in Wisdom, which is reminiscent of what happens at the crucifixion of Jesus.  In these circumstances, we trust that the Lord upholds our lives.

And living in such a relationship with God, we are called to bear fruit.  We don't seek for ourselves, but seek that which will build us up in virtues that make God known in the world, and focus on asking for what is virtuous.  We identify ourselves with those who are lowly, like children, so we can be part of accomplishing God's purposes in this world.  Through living focused in such a humble way, we live an abundant life that keeps us close to God.

On this Catechetical Sunday, I am grateful for the service I have given in teaching students for 8 years, and I give thanks for the students who I will begin teaching this week, as we open ourselves up to encountering God together.

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