Sunday, September 5, 2021

September 5, 2021: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

The people who see the healing miracle of Jesus acclaim Him, saying, "He has done all things well."

Indeed, He fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah about healing those who are other-abled and bringing new life to a land of desert.

Notably in this specific healing in the Gospel reading, Jesus physically touches the deaf man to heal his hearing and his speech impediment.  It speaks to how God came physically among us in such a close way, ultimately to heal us from the effects of sin, as signaled by His healing of physical ailments.

And Jesus continues to bring that healing touch the world as He transforms our hearts so that we bring a healing touch to those around us, as we start by noticing their plight, and then not casting off the poor and needy, but instead, working to meet them where they're at and bring a healing touch.

St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta certainly brought this healing touch to the world and five years ago as of this weekend, this great servant of mercy has been acclaimed as a saint by the Church.

I also think about how 12 years ago, I received a wonderful gesture of welcome from the St. Teresa's community by receiving a knapsack full of gifts at the annual Mass on the Grass.  It was a gesture of great kindness that furthered the boosting of my spirits as a new student at Valparaiso University.

Truly, God advances His Kingdom and brings salvation as He heals hearts so we can meet the needs of those around us as He works with us, and so Life abounds in all the world.

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