Sunday, October 10, 2021

October 10, 2021: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the time of Jesus, wealth was considered a sign of favor from God.

But when a man approaches Jesus and asks what he should do to inherit eternal life, He points him to a higher reality, building up treasure in Heaven.

The first reading discusses the great treasure of wisdom, so great that the author desires it above all else, for surely he recognizes it leads him to God.

This God is able to see into our hearts and discern what is there, and we all must ultimately give an accounting to Him.

Jesus saw into the heart of the man who approached Him, and He extended an invitation to go deeper in love that is made real.

So let's devote our lives now to building up treasure in Heaven, which will truly last for Eternity, and transform us to live purposefully now.

Today we mark the first anniversary of the beatification of Blessed Carlo Acutis.  Although he only lived to the age of 15, he spent his years building up treasure in heaven, becoming very devout, especially in attending Mass, and spreading the joy of faith through technological means, like the website documenting Eucharistic miracles.

May our divine encounters so transform us so that we can strive after the greatest of treasures that lead us to Heaven and experience it now.

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