Sunday, October 3, 2021

October 3, 2021: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

When the Pharisees question Jesus about marriage and divorce, He acknowledges that Moses permitted divorce, but then He points to the deeper reality of the intention for marriage that God established back in the beginning, as a union that reflects how humans are created to be one with God.

God has given us the great gift of life, so that we can join with all people and all Creation to more deeply experience union with Him, our Great Creator.

In fact, when Adam and Eve disobeyed and turned from God, He sought to restore us to perfect union with Him by sending His Son to be a human like us, so we could redeem us, and that we could be like Him as He became like us.

Jesus Christ gave us the great gift of salvation to restore us to right relationship with Him.  Even as we take responsibility for tending to our faith, let us also always have a childlike dependence on God, knowing He alone our needs with wondrous blessings.

On this Respect Life Sunday, let us give thanks for this gift of life, cherishing it, as we work to defend life at all stages, so that we can be in a deeper relationship with God, Who is our life, which overflows with love.

This day in 1863, President Lincoln issued a proclamation for an annual Thanksgiving Day celebration.  In it, he noted the great blessings of God, especially among the people and the bounty of the land, and called the American people to acknowledge them.

Yes, let us rejoice in God as the Source of all good so that we may live fully in this life in Him, along with all around us.

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