Sunday, May 1, 2022

May 1, 2022: Third Sunday of Easter

In the midst of despair lingering after the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the disciples go out fishing, and it only goes downhill when they work all night without catching anything.

Then Jesus appears, and, before they recognize Him, He directs them to try something different.  Their sudden, abundant catch is a powerful sign that demonstrates the Risen Christ is there.  He furthermore fills them with new purpose, especially when Christ asks St. Peter three times, "Do you love Me?"  We see how they live that out later:  When told to stop preaching Jesus Christ, they submit in obedience to the Holy Spirit, Who compels them.

Indeed, this is the power of the Risen Christ, the Lamb Who rose victoriously and conquered death, and Who is worshipped in the vision in Revelation as the Almighty, above all.  He rose from the dead and lives forever, rescuing us from sin, and keeping us firm in dangers so that we can demonstrate His Resurrected Power in us.  He furthermore feeds us with Himself, calling us to become what we eat, realizing fully His living Presence within us so that we can make Him known as real in all the world.

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