Sunday, May 15, 2022

May 15, 2022: Fifth Sunday of Easter

God is making us new.

He sent His Son Jesus as our redeemer, and so revealed His glory by showing us what Love is.  In that glory, shown at the Last Supper, Jesus handed on to His disciples, and us, a new commandment, to love one another as He loved us, a definitive sign that we are His disciples.

St. Barnabas showed this love to Saul after his conversion, and encouraged him in his faith so that they would go on to travel throughout the Mediterranean world and proclaim the Gospel, strengthening others to do the same, in cooperation with the work of the Holy Spirit.

So even now, we experience a New Earth and a New Heaven, because, as His Church, we are making His glorious love known, and so God is making us new.

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