Sunday, June 12, 2022

June 12, 2022: Feast of the Most Holy Trinity

The Trinity is no doubt a great mystery, yet it is marvelous to see the Trinity revealed in our world and in our lives.

Through the past weeks from Lent through Easter Season, we see that the Trinity has been at work to bring about God's salvation for us.

The Three Persons of the Godhead share great love, and from that love came the Creation of the world, and we humans have been created to take a special place in it by revealing God, Whose image we bear.

We know the reality of the Trinity through the Paschal Mystery, because God has saved us through Christ, through Whom He bestows His grace and love.  We know the Risen Christ continues abiding with us in the Holy Spirit, His great gift to us.

So we go forth, guided by the Spirit, into greater Truth, to know God more deeply.  Even if the Trinity can't fully be understood, the Spirit is guiding us closer to God through amazing revelations.

In this first part of June, I think about all the family celebrations, with two wedding anniversaries and birthdays for two of my cousins, and the wonderful ways we share love with each other, thereby coming to realize how God is among us.  I also think about my extraordinary middle school experience, during which I grew closer to God through a profound new sense of faith, and the amazing revelations I've experienced in the succeeding years.

Indeed, our Triune God pours forth life into us so that we grow closer in relationship with Him, entering more deeply into the Mystery, and living it out more fully as we are transformed to be a life-giving gift to the world.

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