Sunday, June 26, 2022

June 26, 2022: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Over the past few weeks, we have celebrated the Paschal Mystery with a particular focus as Lent gave way to Easter Season and then some additional feasts after Pentecost.

Throughout these weeks, we recognize the great reason we have to rejoice that God sent Christ as our Savior to free us from sin.

Furthermore, He calls us to a new way of life, led not so much by rules, but by the Holy Spirit at work in us.

In a similar spirit to the gesture when Elijah puts his cloak on Elisha, Christ has clothed us so that we can be His presence in the world.

We are set free to be totally devoted to God, which calls us to unwavering commitment.

We are not so much focused on condemning those who do wrong.  Rather, we seek transformation in our own hearts, so that we live His love with others and thereby bring new Life to all the world.

It was wonderful to see my church friends' son Ezra experience the Paschal Mystery in his dying and rising with Christ in baptism as his parents affirmed their commitment to raising their son in faith, to live as a new creation.

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