Sunday, July 10, 2022

July 10, 2022: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God has clearly given us the commandments for our lives.  It's not something inaccessible, but very near to us.  We love Him, and we love our neighbor by meeting the needs of those around us.

In Jesus Christ, we see that this commandment transcends the Law of Old and is meant to motivate us to reach out beyond our usual boundaries to meet needs.

We see ourselves under a mighty and gracious God Who created all things, and in Christ, has recreated everything by reconciling all to Himself through the Cross.

So we are now equipped to show our love for God by caring for others, making our love real and tangible.

He has given us access to Eternal Life, and we experience that reality now as we make God's presence real in our lives when we live out the love He has shown us to others.

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