Sunday, July 3, 2022

July 3, 2022: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God greatly desires to bring abundance to all the earth, as described in the vision in the reading from the prophet Isaiah.  He has brought us abundance through Christ, Who declared He came so that we "might have Life, and have it more abundantly." 

Now, in Christ, we are sent forth on a mission to proclaim the coming of His Kingdom into our world, and the Abundant Life it brings.

Regardless of how people respond, we hold firmly to what Jesus says at the end of today's Gospel reading, that we should rejoice that our "names are written in Heaven", because God has put His mark upon us.  That is what truly counts, and what truly drives us forth.  We boast in God Who has saved us by His Cross.

We have been freed from obligations to the Law of the Old Covenant, through the salvation of the Cross.  In the New Covenant in Christ, we are now a new Creation, filled with God's grace, so we can carry on His mission.  We rejoice in the freedom we have in Him so that we can live to serve Him.

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