Sunday, September 25, 2022

September 25, 2022: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God is displeased with those who are complacent in the face of poverty.  It is not in keeping with the character of our God Who cares especially for the poor and lowly who are without the means to provide for themselves.  The prophet Amos declares that the complacent rich will be among the first to be punished in the coming exile.

The rich man in the Gospel parable enjoys an easy life in the lap of luxury, while Lazarus languishes at the door.  The afterlife brings a total reversal of their circumstances.

And that speaks to the call that St. Paul issues in the 2nd reading, to "pursue righteousness, devotion, faith love, patience, and gentleness", ultimately so that we can live to be a blessing to other people, and keep the commands, which ultimately call us to serve those in need as a way of living out our faith in Christ.  Indeed, in upholding our confession of faith through living it out, we will be well-pleasing to Almighty God as we strive toward Him.

I think about how Pope Francis called upon those gathered at the World Meeting of Families Concluding Mass to live out faith in this way within their families.

And I think about how that call has manifested itself each year with my RE students, through 9 years of the past and now to this fresh year, as we strive on in our journey toward Eternal Life with God and realizing God's presence now.

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