Sunday, October 2, 2022

October 2, 2022: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

There's so much in this world that works against our faith.  It's easy to see why Habakkuk cried aloud in desperation to God as he sees turmoil around it, and why the apostles asked Jesus Christ to increase their faith.

Yet God comes through time and again to strengthen us.  He helps us to see that faith gives us what we need to face the circumstances of our lives.  He promises that if we wait, He will fully manifest His vision to us.

Indeed, as St. Paul writes, we have the help of the Holy Spirit to guard this rich trust of faith, so that we can endure in "bear[ing] our share of hardship for the Gospel", confident that God strengthens us. And by stirring into flame this great gift, we can face our difficulties while also living with a vital sense of purpose, moving beyond just going through motions of faith to letting this great gift pervade our lives and transform us to greater holiness.

It's this kind of holiness that allows us to fully live in the life and love God gives us, and in full awe of His gift of life, work to uphold the sanctity of life for all.

And even though the Sunday liturgy supersedes their feast, except in the Diocese of Gary, let us remember the Holy Guardian Angels, who are God's ministering servants helping us on our way to Heaven, so that we can live the vision of Heaven now.

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