Sunday, February 26, 2023

February 26, 2023: First Sunday of Lent

We seek to conform ourselves more closely to Christ during these 40 days of Lent, and the liturgy reminds us of His 40 days in the desert on this First Sunday.

Tempted there, He took a decisive stand, which was part of God's plan of salvation to reverse the effects of sin unleashed when Adam and Eve gave in to the serpent's words and ate the fruit that God had forbidden.

That one act brought about sin and its pain and suffering.  Then Christ, by His obedience, had an even more powerful effect of bringing us back to God and sharing in His Life and Grace.

With Jesus as our perfect model, Lent is the time to follow in His ways.  We ground ourselves in the Truth of the Word of God, and see a way to face and overcome temptations, turning away from sin.  We grow closer to God, showing His character, which is what He desired by creating us.

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