Sunday, March 5, 2023

March 5, 2023: Second Sunday of Lent

The call to repent and turn toward the Gospel is about seeing a new vision for our lives.

God called Abram to a new place, and promised that he would be a blessing to all the world.

Jesus provided HIs close circle of disciples a glimpse of His glory that was to come, after He had accomplished the Paschal Mystery--St. Luke's Gospel account refers to how Jesus talks with Moses and Elijah about "His Exodus" in Jerusalem.

On the mountain, they see Jesus for Who He is, and gain a new understanding who they are in His sight.

The disciples were called, as we are, to go forth from this glorious vision on the mountaintop, listening to the beloved Son of God, so that we may follow in His way to share in His transfiguration as we are conformed more closely to the image of the Son.

Indeed, God calls us to a life of holiness, as St. Paul writes, which is part of the plan He had in mind for ages past, and now made manifest in the Gospel.  God grants us a glimpse of His Glory so that we know He's real, and we can bear hardship to uphold the Gospel and live out our faith.

All this week, I am recalling the trip I had 10 years ago to St. Augustine Mission in Nebraska.  It was a kind of mountaintop experience in the hills of eastern Nebraska, where I gained a new understanding of God and myself through service and spending time with the Native Americans there.

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