Sunday, March 19, 2023

March 19, 2023: Fourth Sunday of Lent/Laetare Sunday

Let us rejoice that we're now past the midpoint of Lent.

And let us furthermore rejoice that God has come to enlighten us so that we see as He sees.

He sees straight into the heart--just as He tells Samuel when looking to anoint one of Jesse's sons.  And in the heart, He transforms us.

In His light, we come to see God for Who He is, and from seeing, we believe.

The man born blind was healed by Jesus, which was a sign of how he came to believe in Jesus, progressing from seeing Him as a healer, to testifying to Him as a prophet, to worshipping Him as Messiah.  Meanwhile, so many others around him were lost and stuck in the darkness of sin, unwilling to recognize the sign that revealed God was at work.

During this Season of Lent, this time of purification and enlightenment, may God open our eyes to go deeper in our belief in Him, with the Holy Spirit constantly rushing over us to sustain in us that belief, drawing us from darkness and death to light and new life.  As we grow in our relationship with God, may we see the others around us in new ways, as God is at work in them.

As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Pope Francis's installation Mass today, and the birthday of Cardinal Cupich, let us give thanks for these leaders who are the presence of the Good Shepherd among us, leading us into the goodness of God and the ways of Eternal Life. And may we be transformed to do the works of light that reveal God to others.

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