Sunday, May 14, 2023

May 14, 2023: 6th Sunday of Easter

At the Last Supper, Christ promises to send another Advocate to always be with His disciples, and all His people.  This Advocate, the Holy Spirit, keeps us close to God, so that we are conformed to His ways, living His commandments, including the greatest commandment to love, and we abide in His Love.  Even when the world doesn't see or understand, we acknowledge that God is alive among us through the Spirit.

This Holy Spirit is the power upon us and in us that brings us alive, just as Christ, after suffering for our sake, came alive.  When the people of Samaria, customarily regarded at the time as ostracized from Jews, accepted the word of God, the apostles came to bestow the Holy Spirit upon them.  It makes sense that there was great joy in Samaria because of the Holy Spirit's work.

We continue to experience joy as the Holy Spirit works among us, revealing God's love among us, just as we see it in the way our mothers love and care for us.

With this Holy Spirit, we are aware that we have reason for hope, as St. Peter writes.  We proclaim this hope because it is real in us.

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