Sunday, May 28, 2023

May 28, 2023: Solemnity of Pentecost Sunday

The first reading starts by stating the time for Pentecost had been fulfilled, just as the Paschal Mystery is at that time.

The Holy Spirit descended powerfully on the disciples gathered in the upper room.  They are enabled to proclaim Jesus as Lord, like the 2nd reading from 1 Corinthians describes.  The Spirit manifests Himself in various ways, as each of them spoke a different language so that those gathered from around the world could understand the proclamation of the mighty works of God.

Indeed, the joy we experienced 7 weeks ago on Easter Sunday we encounter again today because the Risen Christ has breathed His life-giving breath on us so that we become alive in the power of the Holy Spirit.  And as Jesus said to those in that locked room, so He has sent us forth on that mission to continue proclaiming the Paschal Mystery.

10 years ago on Pentecost Sunday, I graduated from Valparaiso University.  During my four years there, I was enlivened with new understandings of faith, and upon graduation, I truly sensed being sent forth to carry out the gift of faith.

Over 100 years ago, St. Joseph's Church was established in Alexandria, VA, in part with funds from St. Mother Katherine Drexel.  She answered the call to use money from her inheritance to start churches and church institutions for African Americans and Native Americans.  And as I saw there at Mass today, the Holy Spirit continues to bear fruit through the efforts of her and so many others.

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