Sunday, October 1, 2023

October 1, 2023: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

There's something about this week's readings that speaks to last week's readings, when we were presented with the idea that God's ways are so vastly different from ours.  Now, we encounter further insight about how to respond to the grace God gives all of us so abundantly.  Ultimately, God is looking for each of us to do what is right in His sight.

While some delay in sinful ways, God values those who come to Him sincerely and live out their faith.  That is the way that leads to life and demonstrates how God's life is at work in us.

He calls us to have the attitude of Christ Jesus, seeking the good of others.  We put aside our differences and, by faith, bind ourselves more closely to each other in edifying one another, following the model of Jesus Christ:  He humbled and emptied Himself so that we could be restored to right relationship with God.  As we join with those in Heaven, on Earth, and under the earth in confessing His name, we answer the call to serve others in His Name that has saved us through abundant grace.

This day is typically the Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux, whose little way has provided us insight that, by faith, we can draw close to the heart of God Who loves us.  She drew close to God in the midst of her circumstances and helped show others the way.

We also give thanks on this Respect Life Sunday for God's most precious gift, and give ourselves to upholding the sanctity of life, starting from the moment of conception.

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