Sunday, October 22, 2023

October 22, 2023: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God is a mighty ruler over all the Earth, and He works in ways to display that reality.  As the first reading declares, He even works through rulers who don't acknowledge Him to confirm that there is no one like Him in all the Earth.

God has created us to bear His image and reveal His glory.  The idea of images has a prominent part in the Gospel passage.  When Pharisees and Herodians attempted to trap Jesus with a question about paying taxes, Jesus took the question to a whole new level.  With the coin that bore Caesar's image, He declared that we should give to Caesar what belongs to him to God what belongs to Him.

Furthermore, as is revealed in Redemption, and described in the 2nd reading, God chose us and called us, giving us a title and an anointing.  He does a great work in us to present us the saving message of the Gospel and work it in us and our lives through power, the Holy Spirit, and much conviction.  And with this reality living in us, we're called to live in a way that declares God's presence to the world.

The readings for this weekend have special significance because they were proclaimed at my Confirmation Mass 18 years ago.  At that time, I was called to recognize that I am created to bear God's image and go forth into confirmed life to acclaim God's glory in the world by putting faith into action.

October 22 is also the anniversary of Pope St. John Paul II's installation, and is celebrated as his feast day.  One important aspect of his legacy is Theology of the Body, which helps us better understand what it means for us to bear God's image in our bodies.  He did so much in his capacity as Pope to call the people of the church to live the vocation to love God by serving with their lives.

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