Sunday, February 18, 2024

February 18, 2024: 1st Sunday of Lent

In the stark environment of the desert, Jesus faced temptations, and He became more aware of His identity.

By obediently abiding in the Word of God, He experienced what it means to truly be the Son of God, ready to follow God's will.  And God was present to help Him, as the Gospel according to St. Mark, like the others, notes that angels ministered to Him.

In our journey through the desert of Lent, we come to a better understanding of who we are.

Indeed, we are people loved by God, Who sought us out when we went astray.  His saving action stretched back to Noah, when God made a way to save Noah for his righteousness and the animals. Now, in Christ, the waters of baptism are sanctified and cleanse us.

We can now set our sights on what is above, turning away from the sin that entangles us and enter more deeply into relationship with God, showing ourselves more and more to be His beloved daughters and sons, in the way that Christ showed us by His obedience in the desert, to overcome the disobedience shown by GOd's people when they journeyed from Egypt to the Promised Land.  Furthermore, God is ready to help us become Who He has created and called us to be.

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