Sunday, February 4, 2024

February 4, 2024: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Because of the presence of sin in this fallen world, it appears like our lives have no purpose, which is the crux of Job's lament, as featured in the first reading.

Then Christ came to proclaim the Good News that we can be free from sin.  Furthermore, He gives us a great purpose for life:  He heals us so we can serve others in the spirit of love He has shown us, as shown in how Simon's mother-in-law responded to Christ's healing by serving others.

We go far and wide, aware of how our lives are so driven now by the power of the Gospel, as St. Paul was so aware.  As disciples today, in response to our encounters with God in prayer, we proclaim the Good News by our lives.

It's notable to recognize how Bishop Barron has so marvelously proclaimed the Gospel message through his Sunday sermons, which have now reached the 1000-mark with his latest homily.

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