Sunday, August 11, 2024

August 11, 2024: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God is always seeking to sustain His people in their great need.

He did so for the Hebrews journeying through the desert.  He did it again for Elijah the prophet as he fled Jezebel.  An angel twice insisted He get up and eat.

Ultimately, God provides for us in the fullest way in Jesus Christ, Who declared Himself the Bread of Life.  Yet like the Hebrews murmured in the desert, grumbling against God, some gathered before Jesus are hardened against His declarations.

Truly, God is the One Who draws people to Himself.  He provides the way to Eternal Life by offering Himself as the Bread of Life that brings us into Eternal Life now.

It is a way that calls us to love God and show that love to others, leaving aside behaviors that cause hurt and fostering Christ-like behavior of goodness.

Christ is truly a fragrant offering pleasing to the Father which has become a blessing to us, Who partake of His offering.

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