Sunday, September 8, 2024

September 8, 2024: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

God has promised to unleash His mighty healing power in our world.  We are no longer afraid as God, once dead Who now truly lives, brings forth new life in our world.

Yet the physical healings are a sign of His healing might:  He removes the blindness from our eyes that prevents us from encountering Him.  He opens our eyes so that we can truly see with faith how He is at work in our world.  He furthermore helps us see the needs of the world, and urges us to act and respond to them.

Truly, the words are true of the people who see Jesus's miracles and acclaim Him for doing "all things well".  He continues to do all things well as He removes obstacles from us so that we can follow His way of identifying with the poor and lowly, acting to meet their needs, by which we recognize God present in them.

We are called to open ourselves to the voice of God and then act when He speaks as He makes HImself present in our world.

He made Himself fully present through the Blessed Mother, whose Nativity we celebrate today, when said consented to God's plan for her to bear the Son into the world.

God continues to make Himself marvelously present at each Mass, like happened in a special way on September 8, 1565, when a group of Spanish settlers participated in the first Mass celebrated in what is now the USA.

Indeed, God offers us His abundant Life so that, free from blindness and other impediments, we can actively respond to His Word taking shape in our world and our lives.

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