Sunday, September 29, 2024

September 29, 2024: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God's Spirit is powerful, manifesting Himself even in places where we wouldn't expect it.

This power can't be contained according to our ideas.

It is at work summoning us to a new understanding of how God is active in our lives.

Joshua and John were off in their thinking when they see others acting in God's power.  Moses and Jesus respectively counter them and indicate that these "outsiders" should be encouraged to do this work in the Name of God.

Indeed, God desires for all people to be prophets through whom He speaks His word.

It happens even through the little gestures, like offering a cup of cold water, to offer refreshment in a world marred by those seeking only selfish gain.

These passages were proclaimed 9 years ago at the Concluding Mass for the World Meeting of Families along Benjamin Franklin Parkway in Philadelphia.

In the midst of that gathering, Pope Francis talked about how little gestures are glorious ways God manifests Himself.

Through the Spirit, we can understand new ways that God presents Himself to us through others.

September 29 is normally the Feast of the Archangels, and we see how God works through them to aid us toward salvation, just as He works to advance His Kingdom in those who act by faith in His Name.

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