Monday, February 22, 2016

February 21, 2016: Second Sunday of Lent

Recently, I attended my Mom's graduation for her MSN.  It was a special experience for me to see her in the midst of this celebration, knowing I'll be there in not too much longer, after I finish the work ahead of me.  I can't help but connect this experience with the Gospel reading that's always proclaimed on the 2nd Sunday of Lent.

The story of the Transfiguration reminds us of what lies ahead as we continue on our Lenten journey toward the annual celebration at the Paschal Triduum of the death and Resurrection of Christ.  Peter, James, and John get a glimpse of Christ is His glory, after Peter had just acclaimed Jesus as the Messiah, and He in turn had predicted His passion of suffering and death.  They, and we, see that after suffering follows the glory of Resurrection.

So now we have hope that because Jesus is glorified, we who are His will share in His glory, too.  We no longer have to confine ourselves to what is on Earth, but can look above to what is in Heaven, as St. Paul writes of so eloquently in the 2nd reading.  It is this vision that transforms us even now to live like Christ in this life.

And our promise of Heaven is sure because God makes a covenant with us, just as He did with Abram to assure Him of the certainty of His promises.

Truly with the Psalmist we can declare the Lord is our Light and Salvation.

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