Monday, February 29, 2016

February 28, 2016: Third Sunday of Lent

God comes to us in our lives, calling us to be something beyond ourselves, just as He called Moses while he was shepherding.  Indeed, He appears in many and various ways, such that any place can be holy ground, because His Holy Presence transcends all space and time.  (It makes me think back to the Sunday three years ago when I last heard these readings proclaimed, when I was on a service trip at St. Augustine in Winnebago, NE, where God worked marvelously in our group during our week there.  And God even did something marvelous as I attended Mass in an unusual way this weekend, at 8 PM at historic Old St. Pat's in Chicago, which was also a wonderful chance to reconnect with my dear friend David Philippart.)

And as God works to transform us, we must always take care and be on our guard against sin, lest we fall away from the presence of God.  He indeed desires to show us mercy, but that doesn't mean we'll escape the consequences of sin.  So let us be mindful of our relationship with God, by which we are freed from sin that we may bear the fruits of being in relationship with Him, by which we extend God's life-giving mercies to others.

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