Monday, February 8, 2016

February 7, 2016: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Throughout the Bible, when God calls people to serve Him, especially prophets, He comes to them in such a way that makes the called feel totally unworthy.

We see it in Isaiah, who lived in uncleanness.  We see it in St. Paul, who persecuted the Church, and then became a zealous proclaimer of the Gospel.  And we see it in St. Peter, who instantly recognized his unworthiness, after he and the disciples had an unsuccessful fishing run.

Yet it's not so much about who they are, what they've done, or what they have to offer, but about how God works powerfully in them, even in their weaknesses, to accomplish His purposes.  And when they see the power of God who raises them up, they are made ready to serve.

So God calls us to proclaim His message, raising us up, freeing us even from sin, so that we might boldly proclaim the message He gives us to proclaim at this time.

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