Sunday, April 16, 2017

April 16, 2017: Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ

We encounter the best news of all on this day, that Jesus Christ has truly Risen from the dead.

While no one actually saw His Resurrection, the evidence left behind clearly showed it happened, as it caused the beloved disciple to believe once he saw.  And the stone that sealed the tomb was rolled away, in spectacular fashion as described in Matthew.  For some, this .

And this best news of all transforms us.  As Father Bob made clear in his homily at Mass, Christ wasn't merely resuscitated--He rose from the dead and entered into a totally transformed existence, living in the fullness of Risen Life.  As His people, we join with Him in death and Resurrection, so that we, too, are transformed to live in the fullness of this new life.  We fix our gaze upward, like St. Paul writes in Colossians, seeking after His glory.  And we leave behind the old ways of malice and embrace ways of living that are consistent with this New Life, as St. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians.

As part of living this New Life, we proclaim this best news of all.  While some may regard it as some kind of fairy tale, or even "fake news"/"alternative facts", as Father Hurlbert stated so wittingly in his homily, we as the people of the Risen Lord, show that the Resurrection is real by proclaiming it through the way we live, glorifying God Who has so marvelously saved us through His merciful love, that we may live to glorify Him all our days.

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