Sunday, April 2, 2017

April 2, 2017: Fifth Sunday of Lent

As we get closer to the great celebration of the Resurrection, we are reminded that God is already in our midst, bringing new life where there is but death--especially as we consider on this day the 100-year anniversary of the US entry into the terrible conflict of World War I.

He created the world, and is recreating it again because sin made it fall into lifelessness.  Indeed, God is doing much more than merely resuscitating:  He frees us from the chains of sin and death, breathing the fullness of abundant, vibrant life into us.  As His breath truly brought alive the dry bones with flesh in the valley in the reading from Ezekiel, so the breath of His Holy Spirit truly allows us to live as God does, which brings new life to all the earth.

So we no longer are subjected to the power of death, because God has brought us fully alive.  We live in hope that even though we will die, we will live unto Eternal Life through the power of God.  That is a hope that transforms us and bring us alive now, as we seek to bring life to other people, showing them the goodness of God through our hope- and life-filled deeds.

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