Sunday, April 9, 2017

April 9, 2017: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

Jesus is acclaimed as King in drastically different ways in the readings.

As He enters Jerusalem, the crowds cheer for Him, caught up in the excitement of the coming Messiah, who they envision as a conquering King.

Days later, when Jesus hangs from the Cross, a sign above Him says He is the King of the Jews.  He was tried, convicted, and executed for being a King totally unlike what the Jewish people and their leaders sought.  While facing great abuse ending in His death, He entrusted Himself to God, emptying Himself and dying for the people He came to save.

Now, God has exalted Him to the Highest place so that all people may acknowledge Him as King, giving themselves as He did for us, that in empyting ourselves, and dying to ourselves, we may join in the hope of rising to new life with Him.  May our words and deeds proclaim Him as the King, Who rules rightly by the sacrifice of Himself.

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