Sunday, October 15, 2017

October 15, 2017: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God has invited us to His banquet, where there is an abundance of not only food, but His Goodness, and His presence that takes away all sin and death, bringing us fully into the Life of God.

We embrace the invitation to join in the great Feast, entering into it fully, not getting sidetracked by other things.  We experience it even now, participating day by day as we live the values of of the Gospel that Jesus Christ presented to us, and by which we are saved.

We live the invitation God has extended to us by living out our faith, bringing others to join the Feast.  In this Feast, we know that God truly fills us as we abide in His presence now, as we will abide in His presence forever.

It is a Feast that I embraced in a whole new way 12 years ago when I made a profession of faith at my Confirmation before the community of faith.  And I rejoice in extending the invitation by passing on the faith, most especially in Religious Education, as I guide along a new generation in encountering God and growing in relationship with Him.

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