Sunday, October 29, 2017

October 29, 2017: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Father Hurlbert used a great metaphor in his homily at Mass this weekend, saying that love of God and love of neighbor are two sides of the same coin.  And this coin is transparent so that when we look through the coin that is the love of God, we see our neighbor.

That is why Jesus offers two commands in response to the question about what the greatest commandment is, because our love for God is reflected in how we love our neighbor, just as love for God gives a right foundation for our acts of charity toward others.  God made that a central part of the Law He gave to His people, commanding them to do good those in need, that it may be a reflection of having a relationship with a Righteous God.  It shows how God has marvelously worked in our lives to rescue us, so that we turn from idols to worship Him, embracing the word He gives us about loving others.  Indeed, God's love is a great gift, and may it be our joy to share it, as much as sharing His love is our identity as God's people.

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