Sunday, October 22, 2017

October 22, 2017: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The readings speak about God Almighty Who rules alone, and to Whom we owe our allegiance.

His power even extends over Gentiles like Cyrus, whom God uses to accomplish His purposes.  That is why Jesus brushes aside the malicious questioning of the Pharisees to say that as Caesar should get what is his, God should get what is His, which is everything that He grants us.

Indeed, He chose us and called us to His by the Gospel, which brings us to faith in the power of the Holy Spirit, that we grasp on to Him as He grasps us.  And He calls us to give Him what He is due: lives that are wholeheartedly devoted to glorifying, loving, and serving Him, as an acknowledgment that He is Almighty.

After hearing the proclamation of these readings 12 years ago, I made a commitment to live out my faith as I was sealed in the Holy Spirit in Confirmation, because I was chosen to be a person abiding in the Truth God reveals in the Gospel through "power and the Holy Spirit, and with much conviction".

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