Sunday, December 13, 2020

December 13, 2020: Third Sunday of Advent/Gaudete Sunday

This Sunday is an occasion that stirs something deep within me:

Even as await the joy of celebrating Christ's Birth, we have joy now as we welcome God Who comes to be present with us.

Christ indeed was so great that just the act of His coming was enough to stir hearts, and inspire St. John the Baptist to proclaim repentance as He pointed others to Christ, fulfilling the role that Isaiah spoke of as the voice calling out in the desert to prepare the way.  And Mary, filled with awe at how God chose her, magnified God's Name.

The coming of Christ signaled what Isaiah speaks of in the first reading, One anointed to bring liberty, freedom, and glad tidings.  And just as the earth would bloom, so would "justice and praise spring up before all the nations", as Isaiah writes, a sure sign of God's presence.

Let us join our praises then with those in Isaiah, and join with Mary, rejoicing that God has looked upon us so favorably, which is reason for joy deep down within us.  We are always in the presence of God, Who works to make us holy, and so we are constantly in a state of prayer as we keep ourselves aware of God's presence, and give thanks for His constant presence.  We also answer the call to holiness, for we have been anointed by God to participate with God in bringing transformation to all the earth, kindling the joy within us all around us.

The words of the first reading bring back joyful memories of the closing Mass of World Youth Day 2019, when we were sent forth by Pope Francis to fulfill God's dreams in this world.

I rejoice greatly on this Gaudete Sunday, for it was 10 years ago when the new Ministry Life Center addition at St. Teresa's was blessed at a special Mass, which was part of a great tradition and one of my fondest memories, a special Advent Mass, followed by a fancy dinner as the 1st semester concluded.  Being part of the St. Teresa's community is a great joy.

I further rejoice because it was on Gaudete Sunday 10 years ago that I launched this blog.  It is a joy to ponder what God speaks in His Words at Mass, and to share it.

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