Sunday, December 6, 2020

December 6, 2020: Second Sunday of Advent

A voice cries out in the first reading from Isaiah, and in the Gospel passage from St. Mark.

It is a voice that calls us to repentance.  As St. Paul states in the 2nd reading, God is patient with us, because His sense of time is much different than ours, in the time before the Heavens and Earth will be made new.  It is a time that calls us to be transformed to be righteous, just as all Creation is awaiting transformation, with the valleys filled in, the mountains made low, and everything made straight and smooth.

St. John the Baptist, as the voice crying out in the Gospel, points to the Mighty One Who was to come, Who would bring transformation inwardly through baptism by the Holy Spirit.

This transformation manifests the glory of the Lord, which is present in all the world, but also in us as we go forth to bring the tidings of comfort and joy that are the Good News of the Gospel of our Savior Who comes to free us from the malady of sin that infects all humanity, as I heard so well in a homily when attending Mass at Holy Name Cathedral, and restores us to righteousness.

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