Sunday, December 20, 2020

December 20, 2020: Fourth Sunday of Advent

Throughout time, God has made promises to His people, revealing little by little, according to His timing, His great work of salvation, as St. Paul writes so magnificently in the 2nd reading.

God promises David that His House would endure forever, because one of his descendants would be the Everlasting King, the long-awaited Messiah.

That descendent, Christ, was born of Mary.  The angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she was full of grace, and chosen to be the One to bear the Son into the world, to be an important part of the fulfillment of the promise of the Messiah.

Even though it didn't fully make sense to her, she recognized God had it all under control, and so she opened herself to God's plan.

God's House continues into our own day, and God's work of salvation continues, as He chooses each of us to be part of the unfolding of this plan.

We awaken ourselves to how God is manifesting His promises among us, and we entrust ourselves to those promises and watch as He fulfills them.

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