Sunday, January 31, 2021

January 31, 2021: 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

We see in the readings for today a progression of God's work.

As Moses nears the end of his life, and the Hebrews approach entrance to the Promised Land, he prepares them through the instruction of the Law.  In this lengthy instruction in Deuteronomy, he indicates a new prophet will arise, speaking the words of God.

Many prophets came doing just that, all culminating in Jesus Christ, Who is the very Word of God.  He appears so human to the people, but as He teaches in the synagogue, they recognize there's something more to this Person, because He teaches with authority, that of God, which is demonstrated in how He heals by casting out a demon, who recognizes Him.

Since God has spoken His Word fully to us in Jesus Christ, we are now called to order our lives to follow His way, and share in His prophetic mission, speaking the very Words of God, to offer a healing touch to our world, in His authority, so that our world can be transformed as we have been.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

January 24, 2021: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

God has spoken His Word into our world in Jesus, the Word Incarnate.

As the readings demonstrate, the presence of the Word impacts our existence, leaving us unaffected.

Jonah is called to proclaim the prophetic message to the Ninevites, a call to repent and avoid utter destruction.  After initially refusing to give them a chance for repentance, Jonah is given another chance, and goes to Nineveh.  The people respond readily, and in a state of mourning call upon God for His mercy, and He relents.

There is a sense of urgency, as St. Paul writes, because this world is passing away.

In the Gospel reading, Jesus proclaims, with a similar sense of urgency, "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."  The appropriate response is demonstrated by Andrew, Simon, James, and John, while they are in the midst of their fishing work.  When Jesus calls them They respond readily and devote themselves to the way of Jesus.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

January 17, 2021: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

God has come to redeem us through Christ, as we celebrated in the Christmas Season.  Moving beyond it, we now ponder through the readings what it means to offer ourselves in service to Him Who has come among us and calls us.

In the spirit of what St. Paul writes, we are to offer our bodies in holy ways because God has purchased us at a price for our redemption, and the Holy Spirit dwells in us, so that we are a Temple of His Presence in the world.

When God calls, it is time for us to listen as He directs us how to act.

Notably, Eli and St. John the Baptist recognize the presence of God and acclaim it, pointing it out to Samuel and the disciples, respectively, and that leads to action.

Encountering God truly transforms us to live with a specific purpose granted us by God.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

January 10, 2021: Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

We started the Christmas Season celebrating how God came to be among us through the Incarnation of Christ, so we could enter into a relationship with Him.

It's fitting to conclude the Christmas Season with the Feast of the Lord's Baptism.  Jesus was baptized not because He needed to repent and be cleansed of sin, but so that He could do that which was pleasing to the Father, and so be named His beloved Son.

So it is the same for us.  Through water, God works wonders in us--His Word accomplishing His work victoriously--transforming us to be conformed to His image, as He names each of us His beloved, and gives us the ability to live our transformation by following His commands.  And we do this in a community, the Body of Christ, joined so closely to our Father in Heaven, sharing in the mission of Christ to make God's presence known on Earth.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

January 3, 2021: Epiphany Sunday

To a people in the dreariness of the post-exilic period, Isaiah prophesies a great Light that will enlighten Jerusalem, a light that will shine forth as all nations stream toward the city, as a place to encounter God..

To a world weary with sin, a great Light shines, so that even the Magi from other nations see it, and stream toward it.

It is like God told to Abraham, that His descendants would a blessing to the whole world.

It is a great light that shines powerfully, even in the midst of the fear King Herod feels and stokes in the people around him.

This fear gives way to great joy when the Magi encounter the Christ Child, and then worship Him and offer Him gifts.

So we are called to worship God's greatest gift to us, given to bring all people of the Earth together in God, so we may magnify Him.

God, in His Love, has shone a great Light in the Earth, so that everyone may participate in the One Body of Christ, embracing each other just as we embrace our God Who came to us in the Incarnation.

Friday, January 1, 2021

January 1, 2021: Octave of Christmas, Feast of Mary, Mother of God

God, Who is outside of time, the Alpha and Omega, entered into time and was born of a woman, Mary.

He was named on the 8th day after His birth, with the name given Him by the angel before His birth: Yeshua, declaring that God saves.  It is the Name above all names, which brings us into a relationship with God, and such an encounter makes His Name so blessed for those of us who acknowledge it.

We marvel at how God chose such a birth, entering humanity, born of Mary.  She certainly was filled with wonder at the events of the birth of her son, and as the Gospel of St. Luke records, she reflected on them in her heart.

May we, too, reflect on this One born for us, so that we may bear the fruits of salvation as we, like Mary, give birth to His presence in our world.